Friday, November 08, 2019

8 November 2006

THIS is how you do an Engineering Class ...


trollop! you have them eating out of your hand.

I was thinking of you two nights ago actually. I was watching the mummy, and realised finally who Rachael Weisz reminded me of ;-)


I prefer strumpet or lusty wench thanks. Well, that night I felt a lot like you must have felt when you first met me all those years ago - older, wiser, and so not going there!

Ooooooh, pretty compliment, that I will take with pleasure, thank you, sir. My favourite sayings of hers are:

I bet you're thinking, what's a place like me doing in a girl like this?
I'm a Librarian!

What a girl.

Yes, very pretty compliment - cheers.


how do you know when I met you I was "so not going there"? The presumption.

oh the presumption. maybe I thought I never stood a chance and was just protecting myself from rejection by not even trying.


Yes, she's quite a hottie. You two have the same smile and some similar mannerisms. you're welcome.


As if life COULDN'T get any more complicated - I went down Hampden Road today and I just *knew* I would see Fritz, because lately everything I expect to happen, bloody happens.

So, there he was. There we stood. There we chatted. I promised to send him an email - I sent him one with an attachment of photos of me and, oh, fifteen young men - that was the bottom email.

The rest is my direct statement technique trying to get out of him what he is after.

Yes, just when I needed the quiet.

Oh, and if that is not enough, I can feel in my BONES that An Old Crush will be wanting to catch up before he goes on the 16th. Friggin' bloody boys


I just had Jimbo get a bit hot under the collar. Fortunately, he calmed down faced with my implacable ignorance of it.

Me is confused. Did you two ever get it on? was it ever acknowledged/talked about? I haven't seen a Rachael movie, I couldn't say whether he tells the truth.


Oh, Bugger. I hate it when bosses get angry. Glad you sorted it out though.

Oh, since about 3 months after we met after he told me he knew I liked him and he would never go out with me, there was no further discussion and I dealt with it.

When I got home from London he pulled serious moves on me and I played it blissfully ignorant as if it was all the same as when I left.

He is escalating, he gets physically close - showing me martial arts 'moves' that require some serious groping, when I went to his gig he would get off the stage and sing to me (you should have seen the crusty groupies hate THAT move). And the compliments have been VERY, VERY prolific, even Elbow raises her eyebrows at them.

He is getting frustrated that I am taking his word of 2002 and not trying again. Men are SO predictable.

It's a pity that not trying again because ‘I know that he will be bad for me’ is interpreted now as playing hard to get. Sometimes 32-year-olds cannot keep their mind off jailbait I suppose.

My life is pathetically exciting at the moment. It's like old times, except with a more exhausted Max trying to get off the merry-go-round, but she just can't help herself.


And for the last five months I have been VERY careful not to let three men at ADI know how close I work to them - Carl, Fritz and Richard. For very good reasons - I can't have the past problems start up because it makes sense for us to meet up for lunch again. I just can't handle it, I really can't.

But I can feel the crash coming, I can feel that there is going to be something that will make life horrendously interesting very near in the future. I can just FEEL karma lining me up for interesting times.

And the weirdest thing is, I have been feeling it for the last two months and each time I expect an escalation, it arrives, and it arrives in style. It is like finally, I have enough experience to feel the currents that lie under the smooth surface of my social web in Perth. It is such a strange feeling, but I am glad I can see it for what it is, at least I have some warning this time.

I dunno, right now I feel a lot like I did when I first got back, that this town will crush me with the weight of the expectations of the people who know me. And no matter how reclusive I have been, even my much-reduced circle of friends is becoming problematic.

You should see the boys when they came in today to see me in dribs and drabs for the first time since last Wednesday - they all knew that I had seen them having a lot of fun - and MAN did they look sheepish. It was VERY, very amusing. Goran was in too, but he was with a group so I couldn't be especially nice to him because it would have been too obvious. But the more I hear about him, the more I wish I had turned him down with more grace than I did.

I have a lot to learn I guess.

Anyway, I am not sure I could pack ANY more adventures into today, but you know, there are still a few more hours before I go to bed. I dunno, I could still run into someone mortifyingly connected to me and top it all off nicely.

Actually, I make a bet now that before tomorrow morning there will be a long email in my inbox from Morgan, because Gidget and I have had some FASCINATING emails and chats today. She read my blog and was very impressed ... I REALLY do like her! :p

*blerg* that is me done for today - over-excited really.

Anyway, I am not sure I could pack ANY more adventures into today, but you know, there are still a few more hours before I go to bed. I dunno, I could still run into someone mortifyingly connected to me and top it all off nicely.
Yup, prophetic words. Stayed in the office until 9 and rang Elbow and was sending her photos of last Wednesday when she suddenly recognised one of the boys draped over me! It was a classmate of Timbon AND he used to go to Mass at the Cathedral each Sunday with us for years ... I am really quite entertained ... I knew he was vaguely familiar, it's just the last time I saw him he was about 15.

It is pretty mortifying now to see the photo of him kissing my cheek and to re-read the cheeky emails we have been exchanging since Wednesday (all above board needless to say, but certainly cheeky) and think that we are VERY old acquaintances. A brilliantly embarrassing end to an incredibly Perth day.

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