Tuesday, November 19, 2019

19 November 2013

Going to dinner with two Coalition Voters and Supporters who are related to me this week. The topics of conversation I will raise will be Asylum Seekers and Climate Change. It will probably be horrific

Friend: Good luck!

Three years of talking to Coalition Supporters and Voters to help them work through their shame that they were taken in by Coalition Policies is going to be hard but necessary work to ensure this Government gets kicked out at the next election

Friend: It just gets worse and worse and worse … And we're only a week in :(
Max: If you had told me two weeks ago what he would do last week, I would have told you to re-write your script, because no one, not even him, could be so very, very awful
But we know what we have to do - we have to talk to the people that support the Government and change their minds. My parents are not going to like being around me for the next three years ... but I can't stand silent and put myself on the wrong side of history
Friend: Yeah there may/may not be some reflection in my next show... And then I think it's time I dusted off my copies of boal!

There is something about the Australian Government at the moment that reminds me of all the governments of history that are held up as the worst of the worst. Except with this Government, people I actually know voted for them, and still support them to my face.

This action, and many other actions of this Goverment, is regressive. But this is the reality of being politically progressive and not having the guts to talk to the Coalition Supporters and Voters about their support of the Government and their fear of admitting they supported and voted for a Government that has turned out to be evil.

The people who support this Government are alive, still supporting them and they are people you know. They are the people that need to be talked to, over and over and over again by progressives until they understand that they must not support evil because they are scared of admitting they were taken in by Coalition Policy.

Talk to the Coalition Supports and Voters you know, without fear, for three years, or this madness continues.

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