Saturday, November 02, 2019

2 November 2015


Hello my love,

Happy Monday!

So, I took your advice and contacted my ‘slut’ on Saturday. We conversed for a bit and he said that he’d be finished work at 9.30, an invitation I asked? Perhaps was his remark. In the end I didn’t see him, it’s all too hard and I can’t be bothered.

Matt, we’ll I’ve asked him over twice now, Friday it just didn’t happen and then Saturday he didn’t finish until after 1pm, so I can forgive that. It’s just weird is all…

So anyhoos popped back on Tinder yesterday and was matched with a guy called Brian, who I later found out is irish, I was hoping that his accent would be crap, so I could at least concentrate on the conversation. We met up for drinks at The Garden. He’s fifo so back to work today and then going back to Ireland for 3 weeks. He seems very lovely and really laid back, nothing phases him. And at the end of the date he gave me his number and said he hopes we can catch up again.

There’s the update for the weekend…To Be Continued!!!

Hope you had a great weekend!


Good HEAVENS I must have been drinking if I called the boy a 'slut', but go me.

JESUS WEPT he replied 'Perhaps' to your very blatant come-on? What the hell kind of human is he? That is ridiculous. He's not slut material. Sluts are ready to cycle to your house at midnight to be totes dirty. That boy has a LONG way to go.

Matt ... well ... we shall reserve judgement until we put him through the 'slut' hoops. hehehe.





Yes, you said I must have a ‘slut’ on the side!

Brian, I can’t, just not that into him! I don’t think I could be with a fifo dude and he even said that it’s really hard to make work.

I’m putting it out to the universe for Matt to get his shit together!


I am disgusting. Never listen to me. Except really DO listen to me, but only secretly.


Brian has just sent me a small video of him crushing rocks and is now back up on Wednesday and wants to catch up!  Oh dear it’s always the ones you’re not as smitten with :-(


Title of new play

Crushing Rocks With Brian.


Bahaha, these boys are making it far too easy!


You know, my love, my advice is go for the keen, easy boys who actually turn up. Ease yourself into the game with men who make the time, take the effort and are actually dating you.

Leave the game players aside, no matter how cute. Treat yo'self and choose positive. If the sparks don't fly after date three, do the deed. But at least give them a chance!

Says Max, who exclusively hangs out with boys who cycle over to her house at midnight to be dirty.

BUT, I spend a very slow and leisurely year letting Priest chase me, so, whatevs, I totes know what I am talking about.


I love that piece of advice xx

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