Monday, November 18, 2019

18 November 2005

No one can escape me on google …

I have had a rather entertaining P&O Ports week – I emailed my old boss Mike (CEO of the North American Operations of P&O Ports, including newly devastated New Orleans) and he got back to me in only three days! I am so chuffed that he was able to get to my email so quickly.

And then, in a completely unrelated incident, I was talking to our PR firm’s Senior Consultant and it turns out that he went to school with another one of the Jolly Hockey Sticks P&O Corporate Lawyers (although Campbell Mason, the lawyer in question, is actually Australian). I had to sit down I was so amused that one cannot escape anyone, and I have only lived in two cities in my short life and already I have cross-continental contacts. I had better keep behaving well and doing sterling jobs eh?

And last, but certainly not least, this same PR Consultant, Richard by name, paid me two compliments yesterday that are making me feel far more confident that I am on the right track. About ten minutes into his talk to Jim and I, he turned to Jim and asked why he was there as I seemed to have everything under control. THEN, later in his meeting with me, I was showing him my twelve-month forward planning, he told me he had never seen a Marketing Co-Coordinator with such a long view. I was surprised and told him I would have assumed you only got anywhere with some forward planning, but he assured me that looking ahead and integrating opportunities to maximise promotional potential was, in his experience, unique to me.

*phew* I keep on feeling confident that my ideas are good, but with no external mentorship, I have not yet had my suspicions confirmed. I sleep a little better now!

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