Tuesday, November 05, 2019

5 November 2012


Today I came to the realisation that I'm being played in a game without even knowing that the game ever existed.

It's been brought to my attention that I'm not playing the game as I'm expected to. I'm not responding to the body language, word choice and manipulation as I should. The game is founded on reverse psychology and manipulation, and I'm reacting to the game in a literal, logical and straight forward manner. Unknown to me, I've challenged the game, and therefore the game has intensified.

Today I was introduced to the game rule book and, therefore, today I commence learning about the game. My intention is not to play the game but to know when the game is being played on me. My intention is to expose the game and to bring the game to a close.


Today I watched realisation spread across the face of a woman in a relationship, a realisation that came from one simple idea. The Game is alive and well in my life, and in hers. It is not being run somewhere else in the world, written about in hip magazines and happening to other women. It was being used to manipulate a woman I actually knew.

So I went to find a copy of The Game, a book I had only read about. After a cursory glance at the Self-Help section in my favourite bookshop, I was forced to ask for its location.

The owner took me to the Sex/Erotica Section (Under Gay/Lesbian and right next to the only real Porn in the shop) and felt obliged to explain:

"We put it in the Erotica section because 9 out of 10 people who buy it are men. And they do not go to the Self Help/Relationship section for something like this. So we put it here, with the rest of the books on sex."

I must have looked so shocked he actually repeated himself, to make sure I understood.

When I bought the book he very kindly wrapped it in brown paper, as if it was real porn. You know the kind - exploitative, destructive and misogynist. I think he knows something, something that I am about to find out for myself.

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