Monday, November 11, 2019

11 November 2006

Notice of Intention

Wifey, Sister - thank you for lending me your ears this afternoon.

It is incredibly important to me that you both heard what I decided today because you two have seen me reach my dreams (a visa) and seen it taken away from me the next day. In London you met the Max that was living the life she wanted, you saw me free and powerful and able to reach my almost impossible goals through sheer will and work.

I was re-reading my diary the other day and I found an entry where I recorded that you, Sister, told me in no uncertain terms that you just knew I was going to get a visa. And you were right, so right.

And Wifey, I cannot adequately describe the pleasure your marriage to your husband brings to me, that night you two first met was such an extraordinary meeting of otherwise separate people that resulted in something beautiful. That I was able to start off such a string of events is an incredible treasure in my heart.

In an extraordinary convergence of fate I have in my sight exactly what I want in life, and I am going to take it, no faltering, no mistakes.

And I will be inspired by my wifey and my sister as I reach out because I know that the person you know is capable of anything she puts her mind to.

On a lighter note, my GOD the boy is incredibly hot! :) On Monday he came in to see me and as he left he thought of something else he needed to say and came running back up the corridor towards me. Seeing that incredible body moving towards me at that loping footballer's run was truly an awesome sight! *grin* Sometimes I wonder how I could have POSSIBLY been good enough to be rewarded with him. I think some forms got mixed up in the Man Allocation Office ...

Not that I am complaining!

much distracted love

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