Wednesday, October 09, 2019

9 October 2007

FFS: bonbon - killer siiick status update lady!! :)
Max: I do what I can. That is actually a quote from Terry Pratchett, the master of hilarity, all praise him, PRAISE sister!
Tom: what flavour bonbon are you?
of course you are sex appeal darling!! Hehehe
Archie: A bonbon my dear? are you that sweet and wonderful?

Max: It was here [at the Unseen University] that the thaum, hitherto believed to be the smallest possible particle of magic, was successfully demonstrated to be made up of /resons/ (Lit.: 'Thing-ies') or reality fragments. Currently research indicates that each reson is itself made up of a combination of at least five 'flavours', known as 'up', 'down', 'sideways', 'sex appeal' and 'peppermint'
Just call her Arthur 'sideways sex appeal with a peppermint'

Archie: goodgood. Or you just become immune to it. like rich mudcake, some weak people require a glass of milk with it, while others don't find it rich enough :-P
Max: *lol* I thought you were referring to Apollo's *dramatic hand to forehead* 'mudcake isn't the same lately' comment! I know YOU can handle it, you have to, you dish it out too, all that sweetness *cough*
Archie: What the HELL has Apollo got to do with it. I was refering to myself. - silly girl. the cake is divine, but i can handle richer stuff: i can handle my chocolate mousse :-P

Archie: Hey! that's my line
Max: The first rule of defence is to use the other person's line. heh
Archie: Oh thank you Max. You are an angel at deflecting my arrows. Remove your shield my dear

Archie: I added some statues for you :-)
Max: *reowr* darling, what else am I going to tease you about? hmmm? I hadn't considered that the painting was of my favourite kind of jailbait, but now that you mention it ... happy thoughts indeed. The statues are very much appreciated
Archie: I'm not such an idiot. Just when you hark on about laudanum. And just so you can remember the 17 year old redhead
I still picture that painting of Chatterton…

Max: there She is, trying to escape from the stone and roam Arcadia! the Virgin Huntress approaches

Max: personally I prefer this statue, she has a man on her breast *cough*
heh, this photo also captures the 'moustache' effect. I am so glad it is not just my photography skills
you are probably right. I'd take medusa's head on my breast any day. that'll teach them not to look at my eyes!
*grin* good point. good point. maybe they can watch my mouth or a point on the distant horizon. the most important thing is to listen though! :)

Archie: Sorry had to comment given that i could. You still love me
Max: Someone is missing the continent. Poor luv
Archie: No. Just France

Max: It is a REAL castle! With turrets. Brilliant
N'ah, maidens in towers are made to weave all day and Rapunzel is kinda soppy, just waiting there for someone to turn up
I am more after the likely wench role ready, romp with some highborn lads, pop out a Fitz and get married off to some minor lord
More Mary Boleyn. While I would LOVE to be Anne, I just don't have the patience to keep out trouble for that long. No, Mary is more my style, get in, get out, keep head on shoulders etc etc :)

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