Saturday, October 26, 2019

26 October 2010

Hello, hello from your lovely, lovely house.

You know, I am turning into you - I kid you not. I think your house is like a magic gateway or something - a gateway into a realm of perpetual water!

I have joined Lords and I swim every morning because it takes me EIGHT minutes from door to door to get to their adorable indoor and usually utterly empty pool. There is nothing that makes me happier than having my own lane. And their changerooms are always spotless and I just really love having a swimming pool within walking distance. BLISS.

So, I did three weeks of swimming in an indoor pool before I realised that I needed to swim outside at some time to get the tan up for summer, so, well, as my boss would say, I went Mad, Dorrie! I went to Challenge Stadium and signed up.

The best thing was that they found my photo from, like, 2002 or something. I seriously don't remember ever signing up, but they had the photo and from the top I am wearing, it can only be 2002 …

Now on the weekend I swim in the outside pool and I am establishing a fine tan - although lurking in the change rooms until there is a sweet elderly lady in there who will put suncream on my back is making me wish for a boyfriend slash swimming partner like crazy. A sunburnt back is no laughing matter, and I need to really tan up before swimming 3km is not going to get me a burnt back, y'know?

Anyway, the lifestyle associated with your house is unreal - I pop down to the beach, to the pool, to your AWESOME parks and I just can't imagine how I could live in any other area. It is the most perfect place in Perth to live - and this is coming from someone I thought was a dyed-in-the-wool Mt Lawley girl :)

And I have to say, Celina leaving way too early in our friendship has given me a sharp kick up the backside - I need to have a plan that is not reliant on other people - and all this swimming is part of that plan. Heheheh, it is an awesome plan actually, so I will tell you about it sometime. I miss having you around to float crazy ideas with!

I love that the hair grows to get away from too many thoughts!? (is that right, or does the active side of the brain suck the hair in?) I wonder how uneven my hair is ..?

So much has happened for me since you left, and much more will happen before you get home. Almost every week something happens and I think 'damnit Dean should be here to hear this ...' Look after yourself!

I am looking forward to donuts in the sea for my birthday if the plan comes together (who knows if I get the leave!)

I miss Fieke so much it is a little bit ridiculous - she is such a perfect presence in the house! My girlfriends come from London on 22 November and stay for three weeks so I start looking for a housemate in December. *siiiigh*

Love your work, give yourself a hug for me, and thanks for the heads up on the chocolate military, especially the NAME! It is so appropriate I just can't stop applying it to cute boys with ethnic heritage that I spot. So good.

Hahaha, more stories coming on the back of postcards - wanna do some cooking?

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