Saturday, November 02, 2019

2 November 2005


I got to meet Jamie Oliver when he arrived for the meeting! How exciting!! He is shorter in real life, a bit chubby in a very cute way, and scruffy in a-jeans-and-trainers way. He got into the same lift as me and said "Alright sweetheart?" Which I think Max will know is a garden-variety greeting like "How ya doin?" And then he got out of the lift with the rest of his entourage (including a driver, p.a and several others) and sauntered off to the boardroom. He also had a little black eye because he 'fell down the stairs'
p.s love to hear how y'all are going! Alright sweethearts??



I think I have adequately conveyed my excitement at the Jamie Oliver thing via SMS, but I would like to register an additional 'woah, that is so cool' in relation to that story. What jolly fun that would have been! You are correctly informed, the weather is lovely (when is it not here I ask you?) and well, alas, since my four page whopper of an email two weeks ago – which could have easily fitted into half a page but I had nothing else to write about so I made sure I milked it for all that it is worth – there is NOTHING to report other than that each time Nik tries to brow beat me into seeing her each week, I just mumble and point out a very short skirt to distract her. I'm sorry Miss Nik but my Saturday nights are far too precious to waste walking you home from Northbridge when your stupid shoes start eating your feet.


Nah, Perth is nice. Nice as in Not (that) I Care Enough … Though partly that is my fault because I get home after work and just enjoy my own house, I sprawl on the bed and read magazines, I clean my house, I cook food and I surf the net. I am sure I will get cabin fever soon, but at the moment my own space is far too precious to waste leaving its shelter to go to coffee with Nik. *Meow*

I am watching a lot of films, mainly with Elbow, Ash and Gerry, but when Che gets here I am sure she will join the club too.

And I am being totally good and doing lots of exercise. It is SO EASY when the sun rises at 5.30! I go for a 20 minute run each morning and when I get custody of the car in four weeks time, I will go swimming each morning too. I feel so damn virtuous each day after that run. I
want to get a team together for the Corporate Triathlon in March next year. I did a swim leg with the ADI Team three years ago, so I want to beat that time this time around. Nothing else to do, so I might as well get the habit of sport back into my life.

If I am really sneaky I should go to Yoga with Nik every Monday and use that as an excuse not to go out with her on the weekend. *evil grin* You couldn't tell she was annoying me could you?

Anyway. I went to a free Steve Parkin / Kav from Eskimo Joe gig and Kav and Joel played us five new songs – they were fantastic. Then I went to dinner at Dana's place last night and her boyfriend Jamie (Steve's little brother) was there and we talked about the new songs, he has been lucky enough to hear eight and he agrees with me that it is going to be a ripper of an album.

After the gig we went to the Cott, well, Dom and I did, Elbow went to the OBH Sports Bar with the country kids. Dom and I had a bet that we would know three people each – my final total was nine and Dom's six. Mine included Lisa Lopresti and Joanne Savage as well as three guys
who were regulars at the Cott three years ago, and were still there, admittedly with different hair. Tragic.

I am all focussed on my eleven days in the Eastern States now, saving up money and getting excited about seeing everyone over there. Nothing else to report for the week sir …

Morning Runs: 3
Dinners away from home: 2
Late nights (after 10.30): 0
DVDs watched: 7
Gigs attended: 1
Movies attended: 3 (walked out of Wolf Creek because it had been a free ticket and it was about a serial killer in Halls Creek and was super gory, Pride & Prejudice for the second time, In Her Shoes with Elbow and we cried at the end)
Magazines read: 3 (Style *yay*, the last Pelican for this year, The Economist)
Books read: 1 (A Feast for Crows, absolutely brilliant, seven Terry Pratchetts to read now)

I think that is about it really.

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