Wednesday, September 11, 2019

21 August 2013

Real World Commandments

Thou shalt not worry about previous partners, current crushes or possible future complications. Thou shalt accept that adults are the guardians of their own morals.

Thou shalt not worry about previous, current or future orientation. Thou shalt accept all advances from any and all gender identities.

Thou shalt not worry about previous, current or future 'physical types' - yours or others. Thou shalt acknowledge that attractiveness and proficiency is not and has never been reliant on looks.

Thou shalt not talk to excess. Thou shalt flirt and snog and allow all further liberties taken to come to their natural conclusion.

Thou shalt not expect anything other than respect and discretion in the interaction. Thou shalt accept that you are starting your human interactions again with no expectations.

Thou shalt engage in what humans do best every calendar week, running from Thursday to Thursday. Thou shalt not fudge the averages or totals.

Thou shalt relax during the real world sourcing of the human involved. Thou shalt ask for what you want, and allow others to do the same.

Thou shalt be safe during the virtual world sourcing of the human involvement. Thou shalt not neglect your health.

Thou shalt be kind and respectful of the health and reputation of the human involved, and ask the same of them. Thou shalt not neglect your wellbeing.

Thou shalt drink until you make bad decisions every calendar week, wherever is safest and most comfortable. Thou shalt not attend an occasion that involves drinking without having one drink.

Thou shalt enjoy the journey. Thou shalt not retreat from your fears.

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