Friday, September 20, 2019

20 September 2012

*I* don't understand the extent of what I am going through at the moment! I had some thoughts last night and today, all prompted by you being back, that were very constructive.

1. There has been no one here that can interact with my writing at the level of expertise, experience and personal knowledge as you. Joey, in theory, could, but she doesn't want to. Having you right here allows me to be calmer, because you have been doing a big writing project for longer than I have, and your project encompasses me as a character anyway, so our involvement with each other's writing is high level enough, and your experience is invaluable.

2. I have concentrated too much on the Diary Project - I thought, wrongly, that since I am doing a concerted 12-month effort with all that collation, that involving all that material in other writing such as plays etc was the logical way to use my immersion in the material. Thinking about how long you have been writing, I've realised that if I spread the Diary Project out over more years, and only do one layer at a time, I will not get so anxious about the whole thing.

3. I have also remembered that I have MANY other pieces of writing to work on, and having you back reminds me that I also have all my history essays to look at, to re-work my thesis and to go back to all my commentary and criticism. Let alone all the other creative things - the photos and the cooking etc. It is nice to be reminded that I have many strings to my creative bow and that if I stop trying to do everything at once, I will be able to get a lot more done.

So thank you for being back! :)

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