Monday, September 16, 2019

16 September 2006


Each Friday there is a speaker at the department giving a seminar. This week the girls were entertained by the title '... self-excited stick-slips ...' NORTY.

The guest speaker was really rather hot, and I was having a great time chatting and bantering with his two students (and because we were joking about age I knew they were younger than me) and when he left he came to me and pretended to flick a crumb off my shoulder and when I turned to look he chuckled my chin and his only words to me was 'a lovely 25'.

*goodness* it's been a long time since I was treated like that!

Today was intoxicating - I was in an almost maniacally happy mood due to the heat and the sun, too many of my favourite attractive men turning up to chat to me, it was good.

I stopped by your parents last night. I had wanted to catch Jack because yesterday morning as I was walking to the bus I saw a speckled rooster roaming Roy Street and I immediately thought of Jack. Jack was still at work but I chatted to your parents for ages.


Chin tickling is very sexy. Sometimes W tickles my ear or my cheek which I secretly love. Today I spoke to M, alone in his office and made a little slip - I teased him about how tidy his desktop was and he told me he was a very neat person. Yes, your room is very tidy, I said. And we both blushed and were quiet for a moment. Let me teach you a Jamaican word, and he said 'irie'. It's irie between us, he said, which means it's all ok.

Sometimes he is such a jerk, and then other times he does something so sweet or gentlemanly that I want to throw my arms around him. I will always wonder what would have happened between us if fate had not stepped in and broken her nose, creating a diversion for me to meet A, and I will be a little bit sad not to have M in my life even as a friend.

Did you know that I only have 7.5 working days left?


It is very sexy, isn't it? I wonder if it is because touch these days is either non-existent or really full-on (think drunken snogs) and there is not much in between caressing.

People are amazing, aren't they. They can give you so much sometimes without giving you much at all. M sounds like a man who gives you a lot to think about, a lot to feel, simply by being imperfect in your eyes. He must have a strong character if you are simultaneously missing him and being frustrated by him.

I have to go to bed now, but you enjoy your last 7.5 days - the world awaits your actions in the next two months.

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